Deadline |
Task |
Vendor |
December 12, 2024
(Early Bird Deadline)
January 23, 2025
(Advanced Discount Deadline)
Order Lead Retrieval
You can order Lead Retrieval service to scan badges of visitors to your booth to capture their information after the event. These deadlines are to receive the Early Bird & Advanced Discount pricing.
Order Lead Retrieval
January 22, 2025 - February 14, 2025
Ship Freight to Freeman Advance Warehouse
If you will be shipping your materials in advance of the event to the Freeman Warehouse, please note the following timeframe. Freeman will deliver your materials to your booth prior to the event. Please contact Freeman for all associated fees.
Ship to Freeman Advanced Warehouse Label
January 27, 2025
Order Decorations & Furnishings
If you will be ordering any of the following items, please do so before the deadline:
- Order Furniture & Accessories
- Order Carpeting
- Order Rental Exhibits
- Order Signs & Graphics
- Order Labor
- Electrical
- Rigging
Freeman Online Ordering
February 7, 2025 |
Order Catering
If you would like to serve food at your booth or have any type of catering done please order through our official vendor the San Diego Convention Center.
Order Catering
February 7, 2025
(Incentive Rate)
February 14, 2025
(Order Deadline)
Order Internet & Telephone
If you will require dedicated internet or telephone service during the event you can contact Smart City directly.
Order Internet & Telephone Exhibitor Ordering Guide
February 11, 2025 |
Order Audio Visual Services
If you will need to rent computers, displays, televisions, speakers, etc. please do so before this date.
Order Audio Visual Services
February 17, 2025 |
Book Hotel Rooms
Please be sure to book your hotel stay through the ONLY official Housing Vendor, onPeak. Please let us know if you are contacted by any other companies regarding housing.
Book Hotel Rooms
February 7, 2025
(Discount Deadline)
February 14, 2025
(Order Deadline)
Order Booth Cleaning
The San Diego Convention Center (SDCC) is the exclusive provider on the Facility property of all Cleaning Services.
No other individuals or companies can perform cleaning services on SDCC property, including other contractors and cleaning services providers (including but not limited to exhibitor-appointed contractors, Official Service Contractors, and decorators), exhibitors, and booth personnel.
Order Booth Cleaning
February 22, 2025
Ship Freight to Show Site
Freeman will begin receiving materials on-site on this date. Shipments arriving prior to January 15th may be refused by the venue and/or incur additional charges. Freeman will receive your materials and deliver them to your booth space. Please contact Freeman for all associated fees.
Ship to Show Site Label